RADIO TIMES: The implant in Gan's brain was designed to limit aggressive impulses but when it malfunctions...
BROADCAST: Monday 6th March, 1978: 7.15pm-8.10pm, BBC 1
Writer: Terry Nation
Director: Vere Lorrimer
"I feel as if someone has been poking around inside my head - with a foot." Gan
GUEST CAST: Julian Glover (Kayn), Ian Thompson (Farren), Christian Roberts (Renor)
Breakdown was watched by 8.8m viewers.
The script was commissioned from Terry Nation on Thursday 21st April, 1977. It had the working title Brain Storm and replaced an abandoned script - The Invaders. The episode was an attempt by Terry Nation to further develop the character of Gan.
The draft script from Nation was very thin and had to be extended by script-editor Chris Boucher and director Vere Lorrimer.
Pre-filming of the Liberator’s medical unit, was carried out at Ealing Film studios from Monday 23rd to Wednesday 25th January, 1978.
Breakdown was recorded at BBC Television Centre in Studio TC 3 from Friday 10th to Saturday 11th February, 1978.
Stunt woman Sue Crosland doubled for Sally Knyvette in the scene where Gan attacks Jenna. During this fight sequence, Gareth Thomas fell badly and sustained a mild leg injury.
The distort of the Liberator was achieved by reflecting the image off a flexible material called Mirrorlon.
CSO was used for the screen in Farrell’s office and for the shot of the 3 Federation pursuit ships.
Christian Roberts (Renor) had been considered for the part of Blake on Monday 1st August, 1977.
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Liberator's medical unitRehearsing at Ealing Film Studios on the set of the Liberator’s medical unit. BBC copyright image. | Behind the scenesThe cast prepare to film at Ealing. BBC copyright image. | Blake on the LiberatorA publicity shot of Blake (Gareth Thomas). BBC copyright image. |
GanA publicity shot of Gan (David Jackson). Jackson was not happy with how the episode turned out. BBC copyright image. | Gan runs amokBBC copyright image. | Space Laboratory XK.72Ian Scoones' model of the XK.72. BBC copyright image. |